Our teachers said we'd be adding in functionality, so i'm guessing the more players is a good idea. checking a user input is valid (in the real dice mode, from the code i think i recall there not being a check to see if the user input was > 0 or < 6. Also, 4 sided dice? someone pointed out, can't remember completely. I'll take a look tomorrow if i'm free
- Increase the top scores to more than 4 players (MaxSize)
- Saving the top scores to a file
- Validating various data entries e.g. name to 20 characters length
- Resetting the hiscores using the function already written in the code
One thing that my class has been thinking about is that it may ask you to write the highscores to a text file
- Currently it just saves them locally, and when you reload the program it clears the highscores ( ResetTopScores() )
- Advice. "FileStream.Writer()" -> I will add the whole writing to a text file code tomorrow
Another thing it may ask us to do is add more players possibly?
So make it so you can have 3 or 4 players playing at one time...not hard...Just add "Dim PlayerThreeName As String" and all the other stuff that has PlayerOne and PlayerTwo
Like jsmith said in the first post, it could ask us to make it so they can choose the amount of hiscores it saves. Quite easy really. In the "Sub Main()" just add
Console.Write("How many hiscores would you like to save: ")
MaxSize = Console.Readline()
If I get any more ideas from classmates then I will post it here.
I will also add the ways to add my ideas
Post any questions on the code that you have to add...I will look into it...write it...and post it for you
This will be fun
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