Review of 2010 exams and guidance for centres on 2011 exams
We take a great deal of care to ensure that our developments are supported by rigorous research and that our work is governed by strict quality assurance procedures. However, regrettably, during the post-
results period, it became clear that some parts of the separate (unconstrained) answer books for a small number of candidates’ scripts which had been marked on screen, were unmarked. We are making
changes to our internal quality controls to ensure that this cannot happen again.
To assist us in making sure that candidates get the appropriate credit for their work, it would be helpful if you could explain to your candidates the importance of clearly numbering answers on scripts.
Candidates working with separate (unconstrained) answer books should:
• number all responses according to question paper instructions
• write clearly the number of each question answered, leaving a space of two lines before starting the next response
• ensure the number of each question answered comprises two digits. These will start with 0 for numbers under l0, eg 0l, 02 etc
• always use the question numbers printed in black boxes on the question paper. Section and topic numbers that are given as part of the question should not be used
• write question numbers in the white boxes in the margin of the answer book, not in the main body of the answer
• write again the number of the question they wish to continue to answer later in their script, using the white boxes next to the start of each response. Asterisks should not be used to indicate the inclusion of footnotes or additional material which has been added to a response elsewhere in the answer book.
Four-page Supplementary answer books
Candidates should:
• use a four-page Supplementary answer book if they need more space to answer questions; they should not use a second answer book
• complete the information in full on the front of the answer book and on the front of any four-page Supplementary answer book(s) used.
By following this guidance, candidates will support us to identify each question answered and mark it correctly.
What other support is available on the Examination of Long Answers?
• Guides for:
• Teachers
• Exams Officers
• Students
• Question papers and mark schemes
• Summer 2010 can be downloaded from Secure Key Materials (until April 2011)
• Specimen question papers are on the subject pages of
For more information on this topic, please contact:
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